original characters for @icaryan created by kells

NAME Eilaerwyn Aleanndare
TITLES Lady Eilaerwyn of House Aleanndare
AGE 123
SPECIES spring eladrin elf
GENDER cis woman (she/her)
OCCUPATION noblewoman, adventurer
CLASS warlock, archfey patron

HAIR long, golden blonde and wildly curly. as a spring eladrin, flowers bloom from her hair and change with her mood or season.
EYES blue-green with gold.
BODY petite, fair skin has a golden hue and golden freckles due to eladrin nature.
TRAITS polite, curious, tactless, determined, distant, easily overwhelmed

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NAME Samira Faren Amaris Atwood
AGE 26+
SPECIES half wood elf / half human
GENDER cis woman (she/her)

HAIR dark black, thick, and long. typically worn down or in a braid.
EYES hazel, more green than brown.
BODY warm tan skin with golden undertones. covered in freckles that darken with time spent in the sun.
TRAITS polite, curious, tactless, determined, distant, easily overwhelmed

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NAME Andromeda "Andy" Antares
AGE mid-late 20s
SPECIES enhanced human
GENDER agender (they/she/he)
OCCUPATION hacker, black market dealer

HAIR jet black with a blue-purple sheen to it, much like a raven.
EYES sclera is gray, irises are bright blue. their eyes have also been cybernetically enhanced.
BODY athletic, bordering on thin. skin is a pale bluish-gray with white freckles. has a myriad of almost geometric surgical scars from cybernetic enhancements and augmentations.
TRAITS aloof, deadpan, sarcastic, intelligent, antisocial, stylish, adaptable, strong sense of justice, rebellious, radical

  • born Nima Praxus the only child to an upper-middle class family with very traditional views. andy was raised with those values, and essentially raised to become a perfect homemaking housewife when the time came.

  • they were always a bit of a black sheep, never quite fitting the mold. their father was strict but not very involved, whereas their mother was significantly more overbearing as she wished for her daughter to be a carbon copy of herself.

  • she got into trouble often, but with her parent's influence was able to skate by without much on her record. the society he was raised in did not favor outliers and watched them closely, so he decided to rebel in more subtle, secret ways.

  • living in a very technologically advanced society meant that using computers was second nature, but andy learned the ins and outs of them at a young age and learned to hack as a result.

NAME Malantha
TITLES The Bramble King
AGE ???, immortal
SPECIES Unseelie Fae
GENDER nonbinary (they/she/he)

HAIR they change their hair often, whether by magic or mortal hair dye, but their natural hair color is a muted black-brown.
EYES jade green. glow when using his powers or in draconic form.
HEIGHT 4'10"
BODY she's pale, sometimes appearing sickly to humans, with neutral undertones. in fey form they appear almost ashen, but still retain a human warmth and glow given their half human ancestry. their ears are slightly pointed, which they no longer bother to glamour as mortal advancements in cosmetic surgery can be used by way of explanation.
TRAITS sarcastic, aloof, mischievous, cunning, untruthful, creative, loyal, cold, antisocial, prideful, perceptive, greedy

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NAME Ilona Zimova
TITLES The Winter's Blade
AGE ???, immortal
SPECIES half archfey, half elf
GENDER nonbinary (they/she/he)
OCCUPATION right hand and assassin/spy for the Prince of Frost, and his heir

HAIR pale pink, bordering rose gold. always in a long braid down her back, nearly reaches her ankles when unbraided.
EYES pale green
BODY her skin is fair with warm, pink undertones.
TRAITS deadpan, playful, secretive, untruthful, competent, ruthless, morally gray, observant, intelligent, resourceful, adaptable, resilient

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NAME Meliora "Mel" Farrowe
TITLES Mouser, The Cat
AGE 22+
SPECIES half elf, half human
GENDER cis woman (she/her)
OCCUPATION thief and assassin for Thieves Guild

HAIR curly and sandy blonde, typically worn in a tight bun.
EYES heterochromic. left blue, right blue with green and brown.
BODY golden-tan skin tone, petite with a pear shaped physique, weight centered in her hips and thighs. covered in freckles and moles, as well as some scars from her line of work.
TRAITS reclusive, quiet, observant, sneaky, loyal, playful, melancholic

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NAME Nikki Love Grace Nicole Montgomery
AGE early-late 20s
GENDER cis woman (she/her)
OCCUPATION high fashion model

HAIR straight and silky, naturally dark blonde/light brunette, dyed platinum
EYES dark brown
BODY thin and statuesque, though underweight.
TRAITS cold, mysterious, closed off, hedonistic, distrusting,

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NAME Anthea Sinyr
TITLES Lady of Flowers
AGE 209
SPECIES half high elf / half wood elf
GENDER cis woman (she/her)

HAIR pale pink, bordering rose gold. always in a long braid down her back, nearly reaches her ankles when unbraided.
EYES pale green
BODY her skin is fair with warm, pink undertones.
TRAITS polite, curious, tactless, determined, distant, easily overwhelmed

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NAME Theodora Hearst
AGE mid-late 20s
SPECIES human, medium
GENDER nonbinary (they/she/he/any)
OCCUPATION bookstore clerk, reluctant paranormal investigator

HAIR pale pink, bordering rose gold. always in a long braid down her back, nearly reaches her ankles when unbraided.
EYES pale green
BODY her skin is fair with warm, pink undertones.
TRAITS polite, curious, tactless, determined, distant, easily overwhelmed

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NAME Evangeline "Evie" Jin
AGE early-mid 20s
SPECIES human, demon slayer
GENDER ciswoman (she/her)
OCCUPATION heiress, demon hunter

HAIR jet black, long and straight. typically worn down.
EYES dark brown, almost black.

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NAME Nell "Peaches" Solnej
AGE late 20s
GENDER ciswoman (she/her)
OCCUPATION dancer, nurse

HAIR pale pink, bordering rose gold. always in a long braid down her back, nearly reaches her ankles when unbraided.
EYES pale green
BODY her skin is fair with warm, pink undertones.
TRAITS polite, curious, tactless, determined, distant, easily overwhelmed

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NAME Sadie Justice
AGE early-mid 20s
SPECIES superhuman, mutant
GENDER ciswoman (she/her)
OCCUPATION uni student, superhero
CODENAME starshine

HAIR blonde
EYES bright blue
BODY slim with an athetlic body type, fair skin with golden undertones. in certain instances of using her powers, her skin can glow like it's make of starlight.
TRAITS charming, bubbly, outgoing, kind, anxious, perfectionistic, stubborn, hotheaded, people pleasing, highly self critical, emotional, passionateLIGHT MANIPULATION can create, shape and manipulate visible light, commonly referred to as light, is electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye, and is responsible for the sense of sight. it can be channeled to a variety of effects as an absence of darkness, a solid, gaseous and/or liquid substance that can be shaped/manifested in various ways.
BIO-STELLAR MANIPULATION can create, shape, and manipulate self-generated extra-stellar force. she can harness, control, and even manifest stellar energies, substances, and forces with their biofield.
CONSTELLATION MANIFESTATION can create, shape and manipulate constellations, asterisms and zodiac signs, which are all patterns in outer space that are seen at night and usually resemble mythological entities. can bring such constellations to "life" and aid her in battle.
STELLAR FLIGHT users of this ability can fly, glide and/or levitate through manipulation of stellar energy/substances. they can fly at numerous amounts of speeds, levitate, or propel themselves without taking flight, including enhanced jumping by a short boost of flight.

  • tba

NAME Christine Carmichael
AGE early-mid 20s
GENDER ciswoman (she/her)
RELIGION lapsed baptist
OCCUPATION diner waitress, drifter

HAIR naturally dirty blonde / light brown, dyed lighter with highlights. long and silky with seemingly effortless volume and shine. she takes meticulous care of her hair to the point of near obsession.
EYES blue - gray, looking bluer or grayer depending on the light. doe - eyed and the focal point of her features.
BODY fair with peachy, neutral undertones. very faint dusting of freckles ( which she attempts to cover with makeup until well into her 20s ) *that darken with time spent in the sun.
MEDIA INSPIRATION black swan (2010), chambers (netflix, 2019), hereditary (2018), jennifer's body (2009), midsommar (2019), ophelia ( hamlet, shakespeare ), princess aurora ( sleeping beauty ), carrie (1976), ethel cain's preacher's daughter, midnight mass (2021), chrissy cunningham (stranger things), sharp objects by gillian flynnTRAITS anxious, callous, charming, compassionate, curious, disciplined, dishonest, distant, elegant, fearful, intelligent, manipulative, obsessive, paranoid, perfectionistic, playful, self-critical, studious, sweetCONDITIONS bulimia nervosa, ptsd, depression, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorderMBTI isfj-t — the turbulent defender
TEMPERAMENT melancholic
DARK TRIAD machiavellianism
ASTROLOGICAL SIGNS pisces sun / virgo moon / taurus rising / cancer venus

  • born to laura and pastor joseph carmichael in the blink-and-you-miss-it town of salvation, mississippi. she was a miracle baby, as the carmichaels had tried for years to have a child with no success; it was in turning to a different god that their prayers were finally answered. it was through this miracle that joseph's preachings took a different turn, and the church took on a new name: The Children of the Sacred Eye.

  • christine was the epitome of a golden child, always dressed to perfection without a wrinkle or hair out of place, a cheerleader and top of her class, and winner of several pageants as a child. to the public, she was near perfect, but her home life was anything but. her father was a fanatic, obsessed with his faith to near madness as the years went on, and her mother wasn't much better, though her madness stemmed less from religion and more from "perfecting" their family image, and controlling christine to do so.

  • as she grew older, christine noticed oddities, things that made her believe the madness her parents shared must be hereditary—night terrors of figures watching her in the night, parishioners acting strangely towards her, seeing things in the shadows or the corners of her eyes, hallucinations that bled from nightmares to reality. paranoia was a frequent friend, but she had no clue to the truth of it until the eve of her 18th birthday.

  • she was invited to a party in the woods by her high school sweetheart, with the assurance that all their friends would be there, and ample booze and debauchery. that much was true, but what christine had not expected was to lose consciousness somewhere between drinks around the bonfire only to regain it in the middle of some kind of ritual—one her own father was conducting.

  • the circumstances of christine's birth had always been aggrandized, but the truth of it was this: a couple passed through town looking for a place to stay, were welcomed into the carmichael home, and learning of their plight told her parents that they need only pray devoutly and their wish for a child would be granted. that night, both joseph and laura had strange dreams, of a too-beautiful being rewarding their devotion with their deepest desire—they need only promise their faith in return. unbeknownst to them, this was not the god they knew, and that fact would only become clear years later, when they realized the truth of the bargain they had struct—a baby for a vessel. they didn't realize until it was too late that they were one in the same.


  • the sacrifice failed for no one clear reason, and christine managed to flee with carnage left in her wake. she has little memory of this.

  • while the sacrifice failed, part of the Seeing One (as the church calls It) was left within her, and haunts her through terrifying visions and nightmares. some of It's power still resides in her and she has semi-frequent blackouts and gaps in her memory due to this.

  • when she ran away from salvation, she drove across several state lines before her family's old (now stolen) pickup truck broke down somewhere in texas. she hitchhiked the rest of the way to arizona.

  • there have been several instances after blackouts that she wakes covered in blood but unharmed. she has no idea what she does in those times and tries to forget them.

  • currently, she's working as a waitress in a tiny diner off route 66 in arizona.

  • she frequently uses fake names.

NAME Hannah Murdoch
AGE mid-late 20s
SPECIES born werewolf
GENDER ??? (she/her)
SEXUALITY bisexual, demiromantic
ZODIAC gemini sun
PLACE OF BIRTH boston , massachusetts
OCCUPATION underground fighter , occasional bartender
OCCUPATION unemployed, underground fighter

HAIR short and choppily cut. dark brown and rarely brushed
EYES amber
BODY lean muscle, little to no body fat. the build of a fighter. covered head to toe with scars of various stages of healing
FACECLAIM Chloe Bennet, (alt) Adrianne Ho
TRAITS loyal, standoffish, determined, aggressive, powerful, capable, observant, distrusting, violent, stubborn, bitter

  • born werewolf to a single (and rather neglectful) mother after a one night stand. they weren't well off and from a young age hannah learned how to pick pocket and steal things to help both her mother and herself

  • turned for the first time when she hit puberty at 11, mother was horrified and locked her in the basement

  • from then on, hannah would be locked in the basement on full moons, sometimes chained so she couldn't escape

  • around age 13 her mother and her mother's then-boyfriend started entering hannah into dog fights when she was turned in order to make money off their situation

  • at 16 hannah managed to run away from home,

NAME Talis Saranna Veleth
TITLES Ace of Spades, The Viper of Baldur's Gate
AGE 193
SPECIES wood elf
GENDER cis woman (she/her)
OCCUPATION leader of a rogue / assassin's guild

HAIR bright ginger with lighter streaks that give the illusion of flames. reaches just past her shoulders, but is ordinarily kept in a ponytail or braid.
EYES heterochromatic ; right blue, left green.
BODY skin is somewhat tan with warm, golden undertones. she has a spattering of darker freckles on her cheeks and the bridge of her nose, but curiously not much elsewhere. her figure is lean and lithe, with hidden wiry muscle from years of honing her craft. she is sharply angular in most places, as though daring one to cut themselves on her. her skin is littered with scars, most noticeably the jagged one that cuts across her right eye, slicing from forehead to cheekbone.
TATTOOS a sword on her throat pointing downwards, and the major arcana talis key card on her inner right forearm, with the major arcana talis throne card on her left one.
TRAITS cunning, secretive, amiable, cutthroat,

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NAME χάος / Khaos
.           .Καλλιστρατη / Kallistrate
ALIAS(S) Amara Dupont (current)
.                 ..Damon Lanter
.                 ..Lady Amaranthe Rénard
.                 ..Apollyōn
.                 ..Amarantos
.                 ..+ others
AGE primordial; immortal. current form appears late 30s.
SPECIES primordial entity, the personification and bringer of chaos.
GENDER genderless. any pronouns, but currently assumes a feminine presenting form and typically defaults to whatever others refer to them as.
OCCUPATION museum curator. political fixer.

APPEARANCE as both a shapeshifter and a being without true form, kallistrate can take any form they wish, be it human, animal, or monster. in their current form as Amara Dupont, they have long, black hair as dark as the space between stars, creamy smooth skin with a medium to olive undertone, and eyes so dark they appear almost black. in some cases, as when abilities are being used, their eyes turn a vibrant ruby red, often with black sclera and no discernable pupils. they favor a classic hourglass body shape and a tall, statuesque form. they oftentimes change their height out of pure amusement, but typically hover around a 5'11" in their current form. it is not unusual for them to change appearance based on who they are interacting with, or to suit their agenda or needs, though they do have several forms preferred above others, not unlike the way one would have a favored coat.TRAITS tba

UMBRAKINESIS the ability to control darkness and shadows. they are able to bend and transform shadows, blanket areas and beings in darkness, and even mold darkness into something physical and tangible. other uses include teleportation through shadows, manipulating and puppeteering creatures with darkness, creating near-sentient constructs of darkness/shadow, and becoming entirely made of darkness themselves (which, is in essence their “true form”; complete and total darkness.)
TYPHOKINESIS the ability to control smoke. they can create, shape, and manipulate smoke, as well as transform into a being of smoke themselves. they can create near-sentient constructs from smoke, change the density of smoke into solid matter, and kill through suffocation/smoke inhalation.
SHAPESHIFTING the ability to transform their shape, size, color, density, texture, cellular composition, and/or atomic composition to mimic qualities, impersonate entities, amplify abilities, and/or traverse environments. they are able to assume any form, real or imagined, and use this ability in their day-to-day life in order to live side by side with humans.
IMMORTALITY they are primordial, eldritch, and both ageless and immortal. they have existed since time immemorial and are unable to die or be killed. even if their physical form perishes, they will always be reborn from darkness anew. wherever there is chaos in the world, they are soon to follow.
CHAOS MANIPULATION / INDUCEMENT the ability to create, shape, and manipulate the chaotic forces in the universe. kallistrate, at their core, is chaos personified. they are able to cause chaos in any scale, from minor disorder, confusion and disobedience, up to causing massive storms, destruction, loss of laws and order to cause mass panic, etc. they are most often found at key points in history, such as world wars, natural disasters, and famines. though they are able to influence humans and humanity, they are unable to take away free will; they are only able to guide a person, or influence their thoughts or emotions, but the kernel of it must already be there—ultimately, whatever decision is their own, and the outcome up to them.

SYMBOLS ouroboros, double shadows, smoking pyre, the unexplored depths of the ocean
TROPES big bad, blue and orange morality, faux affably evil, hot goddess, humanoid abomination, reality warper, sizeshifter, shapeshifter default form, voluntary shapeshifting